Birds Hatching 🥚🐣🐥 Egg-citing news is coming in our STEM classrooms! It's almost hatch day and we know it's going to be egg-strordinary 🐤🐤🐤
2025-2026 Board of Education's Budget Proposal View the following attachment for the Board of Education's Budget Proposal for the 2025-2026 School Year.
2025-2026 Superintendent's Budget Proposal View the following attachment for the Superintendent's Budget Proposal for the 2025-2026 School Year.
Green Acres Neighborhood Peer Application 25-26 School Year Please find the application for Neighborhood Peers for the Green Acres Elementary PreSchool Program. This is not the application for students currently receiving Birth to Three services.
A Letter from the state of Connecticut regarding Safety and Security Please click here to view a letter from the State of Connecticut regarding Safety and Security.